5 important lessons to learn from workout injury

No one likes injuries, I don't like injuries because They suck! They cause a lot of discomfort and you may have to quit working out for a few weeks or months. This won't do any good to your progress especially if you were on to a challenge. However, the wise guys have always said it's good to look at the bright side. You can learn life changing lessons from injuries. Read along to have a view of some lessons that a few fitness enthusiasts and experts have learned from injuries. 1. Nothing is ever permanent I have always had this motto 'this too shall pass'. This means that no matter the challenges you may be facing at the moment they won't be there forever. You may have to go for surgery, quit working out for a few months but that doesn't mean it's game over for you. With this mindset you will get through the injury until it heals and get back on track a better and stronger person. Jennipher Walter's Injuries always happen, they are part of life, we must accept them when they occur and learn from them when we can. Lindsey Mathews 2. The body is designed to move Yeah that's right. In biology class we studied about bones and joints. Actually there was a teacher we nicknamed atlas for he kept talking about the atlas and axis bones that allow the movement of the head along the neck. To cut the story short, the joints and bones are there to allow movement. Failing to move or failing to exercise causes more injury to your body. This should teach you that getting injured during exercise is inevitable since you are doing what your body was meant to do. Lindsey Mathews 3. Always listen to your body Nobody knows your body better than itself. There are thousands of tutorials for working out but body's are different and they all have a limit. When something is not right your body will communicate and you will have to respond appropriately. I have ignored my body a couple of times and I regretted much after that since I had to keep off working out for six months. If I had played close attention to the signs I would have prevented the injury. The sooner you respond to the signs your body gives the more likely you are to avoid injuries in future. Janepher Walter's 4. Your mind and body are one The mind is our nonphysical aspect while the body plays as our physical aspect. Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological function. Our minds can affect how quickly we can recover from a workout injury. If we envision ourselves bedridden we will always take longer to recover. But, if we envision ourselves running even when injured we will speed up our recovery. On the other hand our physical state can also affect our mental state. University of Minnesota 5. Learn to slow down It's always necessary to regress to give your body a break. By doing this, you will learn to adapt and eventually reduce injury. In almost every aspect in life, doing more always leads to better results but more is not always important in working out. I practice yoga and one good thing about Yoga is that you learn to take it slow. Too much or too little is not good so you need to find the balance between. However, some of bus don't know when to slow down. Well, here are some signs to put you in the right direction. 1. Too much soreness. It's normal to feel sore after an exercise but it ends after resting. If you find that resting isn't solving the soreness then it's a sign you need to slow down. 2. Feeling exhausted. Experiencing exhaustion long after the workout session is a clear sign that you need to slow down. 3. Too heavy weight. If you realize that you have to hold your breathe when lifting, that weight is too heavy for you. This suggests that you need to find a lighter weight. Janepher Walter's Discover good
