At last I was able to start doing this. In case you are wondering what am talking about read along ask I share some part of my story.
My name is Ptah, and I really love working out, being flexible, having those abs and biceps and everything that comes with living a healthy life. Secondly, I love writing/blogging because it relieves me to just put down what am thinking about. However, I haven't done these two ventures until today. You want to know why, am one of the most indecisive people, if that's even a word. I chose to start working out and along the way I get overwhelmed by the many exercise routines and challenges and am unable to choose which one to go with. I end up quiting hence gaining more weight than I had due to frustrations.
On the blogging part, I just couldn't decide on what to write about. This is because I can write about anything in the planet but you have to give a topic that I will research on and write about. Starting my own blog sounded complicated since am not an expert at anything, to be honest, but am ready to learn. After beating myself too much at last I decided, you know what, everyone started somewhere. If I keep waiting for that big idea to blog about to come I will never do anything reasonable and measurable because in some way it never will. You just have to start, make mistakes along the way and that's how you will learn.
In the working out issue, I have decided to just start with the few methods I've gathered from trainers and along the way I shall achieve my 'dreams'.
If you're still reading this, am glad you're not bored yet, and if you are I apologise for being such a cry baby for taking too long to start something by finding excuses. However, you're welcome on this journey with me, I will document my progress, share what I have learnt and also learn from you guys.
Most people seem to have everything in life figured out, but that's just the way we see it. They all started somewhere and if we don't just start we will spend million of years trying to figure out that great thing when you already have it. I might start to sound like Martin Luther but it's fine. My idea, just start and one day you will have something to share with the world.
If you're a beginner like me, you're welcome as we learn together and if you're an expert your ideas will be greatly appreciated.
See you next time
Thank you

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