10 tips to help you achieve your daily health goals

Everyone, or at least, most people wish to have a healthy lifestyle but they don't know where to start. There's too much information and too many options that it's hard to which information is reliable. Despite all these, most people set their health goals but still find it hard to accomplish them. Here are some tips to help you achieve your daily health goals.

1. Always have a plan

When it comes to achieving your goals, not only your health goals but also other lifetime goals, you don't just jump in and start accomplishing them without having a plan. Having no plan is overwhelming since you try to do everything at once and end up tired and fruitless. We all have a daily schedule so you need to come up with a plan on what you need to change in your lifestyle and allocate time in your schede. Taking your healthy life journey step at a time will prove more effective in achieving your goals compared to doing everything at once.

2. Goof-ups are inevitable

There is always that time when you temporarily fail when you try achieving a goal, in this case your health goals. However, this should never be an excuse to quit. There is no rush, health goals are lifetime goals so there is always time to look over the failure and start again. If you experience a lapse, identify it and acknowledge that you got distracted and get back to your healthy lifestyle ASAP.

3. Make short term goals

Like I mentioned earlier, achieving a all round healthy life is  a lifetime goal. However, the biggest mistake most people make is trying to get instant results. So they try to do everything all at once. My advice, take it slow, make short term goals and eventually you will achieve your major health goals. Also, short term goals can help you track your progress. It's important to know where you are in order to understand where you're heading. To be more precise, make smart goals;
             M.- measurable
             A.- attainable
             R.- realistic
             T.- Timely
I know you have come across this word before but I still had to share it because, in my experience, it's not about how much you achieve  but it's about efficiency in accomplishing the goals. You need to be SMART to get the most out of it.

4. Know what drives you

Some people may call it motivation, encouragement or even the  'fire'. Whichever way you wanna call it it's simply the reason why you want to accomplish a certain health goal. I love looking good in my clothes, feeling energetic and flexible. When you find your motivation achieving your health goals will be a walk in the park.

5. Be fully aware of what you eat

If you want to live a healthy life and maintain it you should start by tracking what you eat on a daily basis. Use calories counters which are available online for free to calculate  the amount of calories you take in, the amount of calories you lose as you workout and the results will show if the food you eat is doing any good to your health. There are many ways out there you can use to track what you eat. They include filling in a notepad on your  smartphone or computer, using a diet tracking app or website or app or even writing down on paper. They are all equally effective.

6. Be keen on the resources you use

Information is key in the health sector as well as all other sectors that affect mankind. However, not all sources of information are reliable. Some tips you get may be unrealistic and may end up doing more harm than good. Consulting a healthy lifestyle professional is a good idea instead of taking in all the information you gather online for or offline.

7. Eat three meals in a day

Most people I've asked keep telling me that breakfast is the most important meal. I wouldn't disagree with that but I think all meals are important. If you skipped dinner, no matter how much you take in for breakfast you won't spend the rest of the day at your best. My advice, take a healthy balanced breakfast and follow up with some lunch and dinner. This will definitely bring you closer to achieving your health goals.

8. Eat a lot of vegetables

In every meal you take fill at least half of it with vegetables. In case you didn't know, vegetables make you full faster and since they have a low calorie count they help you cut on the calorie intake. Also, your body benefits from water, fibre and nutrients that are available in abundance in vegetables.

9. Workout

I mentioned earlier that you should use a calorie counter. However, in order to maintain a healthy life you need to lose more calories than you take in. You can't lose these calories without working out. It's preferable to start with  a low intensity workout program and take it up a notch higher when you feel comfortable. Not everyone is capable of working out so consulting with your doctor should be the first step.

10. Have fun

I always thought that living a healthy life is boring since you have to eat a lot of vegetables, I hated vegetables. Working out, setting health goals and achieving them should be fun. Find what makes you happy and blend it with achieving your health goals and eventually it becomes part of your fun time.
Also check https://www.google.com/amp/www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/features/staying-motivated-to-achieve-your-fitness-goals-according-to-an-expert-a6813546.html%3famp Good luck!
