I lapsed.... oh no!

a"Yeah, poor me I lapsed like I've been doing for quite sometime. If you're wondering what am talking about. I promised that I will share my progress on the methods am using to lose weight and how that has been going. Well, it hasn't been going so well. I guess I was too busy and I had a lot if issues going on and I kind of lost track of time. But this doesn't mean I should lose hope. Neither does it mean that you should lose hope. To be honest, I almost liked it when I was not working out. I just felt tired, bored since I lacked even some of the workout equipment. I guess you're even wondering why am still writing a fitness blog if I keep lapsing and feel tired of working out. Am here for the same reason as you.a" a"There is no secret to achieve your fitness goals. Work out every day, consistency is the key, not only in fitness but in every area of our lives. I admit I fell, but that doesn't mean I should stay down there, I should get back up and do it again. And that's what I suggest you do. There is no easy way out, I learned that the hard way. A fit healthy body won't find you lying down and giving excuses. Sometimes working out means we push our body to the limits, forego some foods and habits that we can't go without. Trust me, it's for the best. Even the most successful gym guys experience lapse because life can change. You can be asked to move from your city. You can even change your job or go to a family member's home where you don't have enough space or equipment to workout.a" a"As expected, my body lost some of the progress I had made when working out. I was doing a mix of aerobics, cardio workouts and some yoga poses. I experienced a lapse of two weeks and now my stomach is softer and the abs are faint. Am having trouble lifting some of the weights I used to lift and I can't even do 20 pushups. Am a beginner at yoga and I had seen some improvements in opening up my hamstrings but I tried to do the hamstring stretch this morning and I experienced some pain. I could do almost 50 minutes of aerobics but I can't even make it to 30 minutesa" a"One of the reasons, I haven't mentioned, of why I stopped working out was because I injured my back when doing some yoga. I hate injuries but I learned that they are inevitable and I should just take it slow. By taking it slow I will have patience. Some years ago patience was not my strength but am working on it. I've been always the guy who acts fast and wants to do everything at once and get instant results. Due to that attitude, I made a lot if mistakes that really cost me a lot. Slow is the way to go, if you make gradual steps you make small mistakes which are easily corrected and you get back on track in no time. One thing I've also learned is to create room for other activities. Don't be too obsessed with fitness, you will be creating a stress especially when you're dealing with other types of stress. Make room for other activities and even people to have a balanced life.a" a"You don't to be perfect to make a difference in life even in your fitness journey. Do it slowly, make gradual achievements and become an inspiration to others.a" a"My lapse is over, so to speak and I will be sharing progress and some tips to go by if you feel stuck.a"
