Task of the week

Well... The good news is that I achieved my target for last week. I planned to do 45 minutes if aerobic workouts and about twenty minutes of ab workouts. I did this every morning from Monday to Sunday in the past week. I don't look like Captain America yet but am loving the progress and the fact that am doing something. However, I notice that I still have a long way to go since am not achieving much on the diet department and also, I still have a lot fat especially belly fat to lose. I know this is just the beginning and I will still achieve my goals. Well, this week I want to take it a notch higher by adding cardio workouts to my workout routine. I started this morning but it was a bit discouraging. Am too tight and not very fit because I kept stopping along the way since I felt too tired. However, I learned something, I don't have to push myself too hard. I mostly use tutorials from YouTube to workout and some of these guys are pros. If I struggle to move at their pace my body will break and that will be the end even for this blog. Am learning to take it slow and to also understand that it's good to take breaks. For example, if you are bodybuilding, muscles don't develop as you workout, they actually develop when resting or after the workout session. It has been long seen I ever tried to workout and when I did it was for a few months then I quit. Am planning to do this for the rest of my remaining life, which is much since am not that old. I have come to understand that fitness is a journey and you can't just achieve your goals in one day. It's a process where you get to learn a lot not just in fitness but also aspects you can apply to your daily life. Like I said in another post, all you have this do is start, make mistakes along the way and that's the only way you will learn. Our minds tend to create limitations for is for example, lack of equipment, being too fat or just normal discouragements. You will never know what workout routine works best for you if you don't actually start working out. Am taking my own advice, this week I will continue with cardio and an workouts. I will always be sharing my progress as I share my own insights. Thank you guys.
