Steps to change your life through thought

Aside from my usual fitness posts... Today am going to share something different. I will share something about myself and I hope it relates to one of you.
What kind of person were you when growing up... Or what kind of person are you now. Some people appear to be so courageous, confident, go getters, popular and even self assured. I grew up less confident, low self esteem and underestimating myself. This was also contributed to by the people around me, even parents, who kept underestimating me. I'm an adult now, though not very old, but I have managed to redeem myself and prove people wrong. However, I won't fail to mention that I have made terrible mistakes along the way. One weakness I always had was I wasn't good at communicating with people. So, in everything through did I never consulted anyone because I was afraid that if I did people would laugh at me or think am stupid. I hope you realize that if you go down this road, you end up learning from your own mistakes which is the most terrible thing that could happen.Let me share with you today, if you not get at communicating with people, or you have problems expressing yourself, that's not the end of the world. Find someone who loves, a person you can trust, share your fears and embark on a Joe to face your inner fears. Commit to someone and find resources that could help you deal with the your inner problems.
Also, find something that you are good at and build your confidence. If you are not good at anything, learn a new skill, hit the gym, keep yourself busy. In the process of keeping yourself busy you find activities that bring people together and by doing this you overcome your fear of communicating with people. Volunteering is also a great way to meet new people. If you are at work, participate in joint projects, games and the team building occasions that are organized by fellow workmates and eventually you will become more social. These are some of the things am currently doing to make sure I solve these fears. Am not an expert yet but I volunteer i n a couple of functions, am working out and am updating my fitness blog from time to time. Am not an expert but am making progress, I hope my story can help other people.
I have always wished that I was more confident, more self assured and more outgoing but I haven't lost hope, neither should you. Some of the strategies that have caused tremendous improvements in my life are:

1. Being my own Best Friend

Sometimes we are our own enemies. Most of the times during the day you find a voice that keeps telling you can't do it, you will look stupid and many other negative things. When I started thus blog my biggest worry was how I would look like to other people. Am not an expert at fitness, I also run another blog where I share information about some aspects in my career. You can check it out here. Am still in school so am not an expert at that either but if am to wait until am an expert, then I might never achieve my dreams. I made a voice inside to always tell me that I am unique and I will always have something to share, expert or not, even the experts started somewhere. Just as the inner voice is able to give you negative reasons, the same inner voice can give you positive encouragement. The first step should be to change what that voice tells you. Even though what you want to start has been done byvither people, it has not been done your way. Do it your way and make a difference. It could be what the world was waiting for. If you're friends or parents believe in you. Believe in their believe in you. If they think you can do it, why can't you ?

2. Vision A bright future as much as you can

If you have some goals layed out. It's good to sit down and visualize his your life will be if you achieved that. This gives you the energy to just rise up and go for it.

3. Don't always be on the negative side. Things don't always have to go wrong.

In every situation, there are multiple possible outcomes. The outcome you concentrate on more matters most. Avoid focusing only on the negative outcomes, focus on the positive outcomes and have that positive energy.


There will always be a time when you relapse. This happens even to me, times when you feel like you're not good enough. Just go out and do it and prove the inner voice wrong. The best decision you will ever make is to take the initiative.
